If you are good in writing article related to Malaysia matter, then you are welcome to submit your article here. If the article fits the blog content, it will be published and there will be a link back to your website (if you want).
Before submitting your post, read below requirements:
1. Your article must be related to Malaysia.
2. The article can be in word or pictures.
3. The article must be original / written by yourself. All submissions will be checked on Plagium.com or Copyscape.com before published.
4. The article must be exclusive for this blog only. You cannot post it anywhere else.
5. I reserve the right to edit your article content.
At the end of the article, you can have 1 follow link back to your website, Facebook / Twitter account and so on (if you want). Please keep it less than 3 sentences. Example as below:
"Written by Eric Finance – Finance blog of financial planning info"
Click here to see full example of guest post.
If you are ready, write you article in Microsoft Word and email to onlyatmalaysia@gmail.com. If it is picture, just attached the picture in email. You can submit as many article as you like.
Happy blogging!